Sunday, January 2

new hair, new year...

there is no better way to start of the new year than with a new hair cut (especially if you havent had one in over 6 months)...once the month of december hit, my hair was doing one thing and only one thing, being flat and straight...and just too much to when i went home and saw sean (my wonderful hairdresser) i was so excited...i sat down and said "blonde and short" becuase thats all i ever have to say to him and he makes me look beautiful, i love him for it...i am always begging him to move to birmingham to live with me and make me look good everyday, currently,however, my financial situation does not meet his financial needs to do this...oh, but one day, it now i have much less hair and look foward to this new year with excitment, i feel like a different person, i feel that i really can make changes this coming, i am not talking about major life altering changes, but more just starting off on the right foot, paying attention to what is needed and trying not to worry (aka stress) over too much, i am going to try hard, and hopefully it will all work...this year holds alot of new adventures in my life, graduating, going to Europe (hopefully), my last semester singing in an amazing choir, under an even more amazing conductor, and starting a new path for myself, moving away from family and friends and starting more school...its going to be fun, great fun, but hard work...but hey its me, there is nothing i can not do...

1 comment:

Choral Advocate said...

Hey, Amen...I am going to strive to make a great year out of 2005...last year was, shall we say, not the best...hope you dont get too stressed and try to enjoy your last soon...latuh