Sunday, January 30

the first of the semester, always scary...

okay so t/m is first test of the semester, and it's in it too much to ask for an organic test first, so that i can at least pass my first test and retain some confidence for the remainding semester...anyway, i of course what am i doing now but not doing get me wrong, I've studied a lot today, in fact, between my capa (online homework) and working practice problems my brain is here's the's not memorizing the stupid equations (we get them)'s trying to figure out how to interpret all the information about whatever object is flying at whatever speed, velocity, or acceleration (b/c they are all different)...and it all gets more this is my break (well, this and desperate housewives), i have to take it to keep my head from exploding, b/c i don't think that that would be pretty...and now as i run out of things to say about my exciting day of studying, i am presented with the ever challenging more and stuff my brain with more knowledge that i wont remember t/m or just give up for the night and sleep...i usually go with the second option, but of course only wake up early in the morning to study just a bit more (this is proven advice from my mom and copeland), so why mess with a good thing (well, its good most of the time, excluding calculus) to bed...but if you find yourself with nothing to do at 11:20 monday morning , drop out a line to the big guy on my behalf, i sure would appreciate it...

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