Monday, January 17

behind already???

so it has not even been two full weeks since this semester has started and, as you can tell by my lack of blogging lately, I AM ALREADY BEHIND!!! i really do not understand how it happened so quickly, but it has happened...on this holiday weekend, my time has been consumed with what else, but studying...first it was physics, i read the first two chapters because, sitting in class and listening to my russian teacher, is just now working, i am not learning, but fortunately i am able to teach myself pretty well...i worked on some online homework and got a good bit done...after physics, it was my favorite, organic chemistry, usually i understand chemistry pretty well, but we are reading mass spectra and its way too sketchy, no definite answer...if you know me you know that i do not function well without definition, organization, and structure, structure, structure...but im still working on advanced theory techniques, which i would be doing wonderfully in if i remembered more of my basic theory (taking 1.5 years off b/t classes, not so much of a good idea)...but now i am a little more caught up, and can take time to tell you all about my exciting schoolwork (you probably dont really care much...its just my therapy)...hopefully i can stay on top of my stuff this week and not fall will be able to check my progress by the frequency of my blogging...hopefully i will talk to you soon...

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