Friday, December 17


so all of your exams are over, what is the first thing in the mind of most college students, "time to go home," but for myself and 21 of my closest friends what do we think..."time to dress up in funny costumes, prance around in tights, and sing for people who have the money that we can only dream about, oh and watch them eat a delicious three course meal, while we snack on bread and a few pieces of cheese" now you are thinking, what is she talking about...well it is the UAB Music Departments Ye Olde Madrigal Feaste...i participated in my first madrigal feaste my first semster at UAB and loved it, then it was an annual event held in the Alys Stephens Center, with a year off in 2003, this year the feaste was reborn and The Club overlooking beautiful Birmingham...we opened wednesday night, after my last exam, and the night went well...the guest were a compilation of our friends, family, and many long time feasters...then thursday night, was President Garrison's private party (Presdient of UAB)...the night went even better than the previous preformance, our crowd was energetic, happy, and very talkative (this could partly be attributed to the massive open bar, wine, and wassail)...they were great, and i believe that they truly added to our high spirits...the music was great, no doubt one of our best performances, and it was just plain fun...after the candles were out and we were in our "normal" clothes again, we got to eat the this may not seem like a big deal to you but, for a bunch of poor, starving college students, free filet and all the left over wine we could grab (and i do mean grab, we were all consolidating half drunken bottles of wine, well those of us that were 21, of course) i must take a moment to talk about the wine, it was the best red wine i have ever had, and im willing to stake my life that it was the most expensive thing that i have ever drank, and will continue to drink, for i have two bottles of our wonderful parting gift here with me at my home, hehe!
so after we finally finished eating, wasing our dishes (the wassail goblets), and packing it all up, i snuck away for a brief second to take some pitcures of the absolutely breathtaking view that we had over Birmingham...and then it was time to leave, i dont know if i will ever get the chance to experience such a wonderful event, in such a wonderful place, with my best friends ever again, but i will always remember the 2004 Madrigal Feaste!

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