Monday, August 8



6 am, up an' at em' to walmart to pick up a few essentials and then to krispy kreme, to get breakfast for my movers...charles, his brother brian, and brian's girlfriend jennifer got ther about 9 and we started felt like there would be no end, i mean we would take things out and when we came back it felt like the boxes had multiplied while we were loading the truck...slowly as things began to be moved out of my apartment, the girls began to realize somehting was not right...dixie and belle began to get scared, and well belle became down right was scary to see my girls, my sweet loving girls, being mean and knowing it was my fault, so in trying to comfort my little bella i picked her us to cradle her like a baby (this usually calms her right down, but not today) she went crazy, and the shreads of my arm that i have left prove it...soon after charles's parents got there and we finished up the packing...we all sat down on my nasty cat hair carpeted floor and ate New York Pizza, yummm...then it was time for the Henry's to leave, we loaded charles's truck up with some assundry things that i had no more use for and whole lota food, gave brian a washer and dryer for payment, and they were got to me for a second, but then it was time to clea, so i quit thinking about not seeing my wonderful boyfriend for a while, and picked up a big bottle of bleach to tackle my bathroom...i scrubbed for about an hour while my mom worked on my kitchen, but no matter how hard i cleaned it felt as if i was making no progress, then my mother reminded me that my 80-90 year old apartment was not going to look new, so we finished up...then it was time to drug my girls, and well i was a wimp and just couldnt do it, they went crazy when i tried to get the to take the little dramamine pill that the vet had okayed, so i stopped, crying i could not put my girls through it and i decided that riding home with two fully awake, large felines would just be my sacrifice for them...we then loaded up the last bit of things and hit the was crazy, i felt that i hadnt lived there more than a few months when i left, but i remembered all my amazing times with my girls, my friends, and my school books, i will miss homewood.............on the road, and surprisingly my girls went to sleep for the entire trip, they both also slept together in their cage, it was so nice to just drive in was my first resting moment in a very long time, i just listened to my choir music and drove, singing so i wouldnt fall we drove, and drove, and drove more, i swear it has never taken anyone as long to get from birmingham to jackson as it did us that day, we left brimingham at 345 pm and did not get to my house until 9pm (to give you an idea of the average time trip, i can usually get home in 3 hours) home, and what is next, not rest, but unpacking....i shifted through the truck to find my most essentials to keep in my small upstairs bed room, then unloading the huge couch, which probably was very amusing to see my mom and myself trying to pick up the gimongus creature that is my it was all unloaded into the garage and i was beginning to see the light at the end of it all, finally it was time to unlad the rest of the truck into storage, and then turn in the truck...we ended up at sonic at 11pm, it had been a long day, so we ate...then i slept, good...


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