Saturday, February 26

you just gotta push through it...

so its that time of the know the time where eveything is happening in the shortest possible amount of time, and all you can see is the above brick wall...i have no motivation, i see everything that i have to do (Figaro, physics, organic, recitals, federation competition, audition, the list goes on) and just do not know where to begin, and thus fail to do as much as i should....well that is changing as of yesterday, i got my second physics test back and have decided that i can not continue on the track that i have begun...if i want to be successful i have to change my course,work harder, study harder, and just get all my ducks in a row .
(cute huh) thats it, i have made up my mind...i better start studying, have a wonderful day...


Unknown said...

i have no doubt that you will break through and get it all done in champ-like fashion. Congrats on your impending success.

Mr. Henry said...

Adorable ducks gorgeous, can i have one? anyways, good luck with everything and i'm behind you 100%