Sunday, February 20

scared, well maybe a little...

that is what is still going through my head...i went for my pharmacy school "applicant day" this past friday (a fun day of waking up at 445 and driving, then sitting, then driving some more) we got there and stood around in the lobby for a while, which was okay b/c i got to see some people i used to work with at the Bureau, then they hearded us up into the conference room to listen to people talk...i really enjoyed listening to these professors talk and was trying to imagine what it would be like to take a class from them, then we took this horrible critical thinking test (not fun), went to lunch, had a tour, got measured for our white coats (despite the fact that over half of us won't get in), and talked with Dr Wilson about or transcripts....that is it...NO INTERVIEW, you see i wanted an interview, i wanted to meet and talk with falcutly that i did not know and for them to get to know see my grades are just average compared to all of the other applicants, yes i do have work experience but not much service or leadership in the past two years (nothing compared to the sorority girl i was sitting next too), my PCAT score is, eh, comparitively okay, and thats it, those are the only things that are considered...i wanted an interview, i wanted to explain why i am getting 3 pre-reqs this summer (with a session that ends 8 days before pharmacy school begins), i wanted to tell them how i grew up around pharmacy and how i am interested in it, want to help people understand more about what they are taking, and how i believe that God is calling me into the field, but NO, i get to do none of that...i am simply a number 1-9, hopefully closer to 9 than is how it works:
  • GPA (possible total 4 pts)
  • PCAT (possible 2 pts)
  • leadership, service, work (2pts)
  • critical thinking test (1pt)

that is it...those four little things determine the rest of my life...and with an applicant class of 350+ with about only 60 regular applicants getting in...yeah i am starting to worry, but as hard as it is i am trying not to worry, to remember that it is not in my hands, not even the professors hands really, it is ultimatly up to the big guy, so if you have the time and don't mind, throw out a little prayer for me, that my will and Gods will are the same, and if not, that i will be able to accept it, thanks yall....

1 comment:

Choral Advocate said...

As I told you once before you will be fine once you graduate...Somehow with all the connections your family has with Ole Miss, I cant see you not being there next fall...Try not to worry because you need to enjoy this last me I didnt enjoy mine and now I regret that...just have fun, do your work and let God take care of the whole fate thing...later