Sunday, July 23

ahhh, a nice Sunday afternoon....I was able to take a very much needed hours nap, and then up and a'tm....charles left for work around 330 and ever since I have been trying to get caught up with all the lovely 'stuff' that must get done before the start of classes...I have been filling out deferment forms, searching forbearance options, and finishing up my immunization stuff....I found out last week that I would be able to defer my government loans, but my personal loans are not eledgible....translation "way too much money each month that I am not going to have"....right now it is my personal loans that I am struggling to pay and since I can not defer them I will have to continue to pay (more money that you want to know) each month while I am in pharmacy school (already paying out my butt for tuition) I am looking at forbearance options, but they look really difficult to get, and they only last a max of 12months, so I am slowly starting to stress...I don't want to work, but I may not have much of an option....I wish there was a way I could make a quick 50k that sure would make things easier...oh well I'll just deal one day at a time, not much else I can do....I also spent a bit of the afternoon studying, ah yes, trying to get back into my good study habits is proving to be a little harder than I thought, but I am making it....we have a medical terminology test the first day of school, so I am trying to cram all this in my head (800+ pages of medical jargon) but it is pretty interesting, and it is helping me understand so much more at work....It really is like learning a complete new language, kinda cool....yesterday we went to number 4 of the 9 weddings for the summer, it was sarah's and was very pretty....I am so happy for all of my friends (and Charles') that are getting married, best of luck to them all.....well I guess I need to get up and become productive again, my kitchen smells like the meatloaf I made for lunch so I'll probably tackle that first...later

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