Friday, September 8

week two, rocky one

I finished this week on a not so wonderful note. For those of you who I talk to regularly, you know that I am currently a medical marvel. Well, kinda. I have a lovely salivary stone in my sublingual gland, which in it self is not that uncommon. But I was informed yesterday that I have an abnormally large salivary stone that is unusually far forward in my salivary duct. Fun yes, I can hardly contain myself. And so today, at my third doctors visit in two days, I was informed that I would be having surgery on Monday to extract my little friend. Yes, the doctor said Monday. So I am currently thrilled to pieces at the thought of spending what will be the second day of my third week of pharmacy school, drugged up, in class. Yes I know that this is minor surgery, but the wonderful doctor will still be slicing open the floor of my mouth to remove a 1.5cm by .5cm (roughly) calcified stone out of mouth. Needless to say I will probably be on some form of pain killer Tuesday morning at 8am when I am in class. Because, yes, I am not letting my little friend make me miss a night of studying and a day of class, not much could do that. So to you all, chew your food carefully and thank God for you active flow of spit. Later.

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