Today I got out of class at 11 am, which was wonderful, and that is how all Fridays will be!!! As I was leaving the beautiful campus of Samfrod today I thought to myself, "I have completed my first week of pharmacy school. Now, just 143 weeks left (roughly)." Don't get me wrong, I am not starting to count down the weeks yet. But it is exciting to know that I have finally started on the journey that I have wanted to start for so long. So my first week, a recap: Pharmacy school is exhausting, well at least this week was. It is going to be a lot of work (I already knew this, it was just reinforced this week). I enjoy class!!! Yes, it is a lot of information and work, but I know that I can do it.
Tonight I finished scanning in my other 1100+ page book (yea!!!), and then Charles and I spent the evening running errands (aka. shopping). Now we are sitting, watching TV, and thanking God that I am allowed a study free night. I figured I'll start back up t/m, but tonight.....REST.
I hope that everyone else's school has started well, and that it continues to go well. And if you feel discouraged during the week, just remembering one thing should lift your spirits....FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE!!!!
So everyone enjoy your weekend, watch some football, and try not to study too much! (that last one was for me).
and above all