Sunday, August 20

ahhh, a break...i just needed to give my brain a break from studying my medical terminlogy....i have been at it almost the entire afternoon and need a breather....hopefully charles will be done with auditions soon and will call me to go get dinner...if not my brain may just explode....a few fun words i have learned that i feel i sould share with you all:

enucleation (ee noo klee AY shun)--excision of the eyeball from the socket
polydipsia (PALL ee DIP see ah)--abnormal state of excessive thirst
exophthalmos (eks off THAL mohs)--abnormal protrusion of the eyes
phlebectomy (fleh BEK ph mee)--excision (surgical removal) of a vein
poikilocytosis (Poy kih loh sigh TOH siss)--large irregularly shaped red blood cells
splenomegaly (splee noh MEG ah lee)--abnormal enlargement of the spleen
cholelithiasis (koh LEH lith EYE ah siss)-- generalized codition of gallstones
more to follow in the future....

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