Tuesday, November 30

what a good start...

so back to school, back to studying, blah, blah, blah...and i was honestly not looking forward to it, but the first two days have allowed me to "see the light at the end of the" semester...monday i got back my calculus test and my organic test, and well, i am very pleased...my calculus test i got a C (that is extremely good, seeing that my teacher can not teach here way out of a wet paper bag) yeahhhhhhhh, and on my organic chemistry test i got a B, i am so excited, it was 11.5 points above the class average....ahhhh (sigh of relief)...so now i am reenergized and i have the feeling that i can finish this semester and not ruin my GPA in the process...not much else going on...well except tomorrow i sing at student recital "The Silver Aria" from The Ballad of Baby Doe (a 20th century opera, we did part of it at Ole Miss if any of my family remember, which yall probably don't because i barely do...anyway i digress)...and there is something thursday, but for the life of me i can't remember what it is (it must be my old age)...have a great night...later

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