Saturday, November 27

and now, back to the real world

i absolutely love holidays because they recharge me...i get so stressed out and wound up during the school year that when a chance to relax finally does come i jump on it...Thanksgiving in Decatur was great, i love it there because i feel just as i do when i am at home (in brandon)...we had a yummy thanksgiving lunch and i go to meet more of charles's family, but as the saying goes "time flies when your having fun"...before i knew it i was on my way back to the hospital, i worked last night till 11 (or 2300 hospital talk aka military time..its a pain) and was back at 0630 this morning, yes that is was rough but it was worth it...i was able to get off at early so i could go to church choir rehearsal...we had practice this afternoon because we are singing the Rutter Gloria at the Hanging of the Greens t/m night...i also have a solo t/m morning at early service!
and now with the majority of my holiday behind me i have to focus on school...calculus is so hard for me and i just pray that i can make a C and get into pharmacy chemistry isn't too bad, i kinda like, despite the fact that i have to study it sooo much, so many people told me that organic was easy all you had to do was memorize, well that is uab memorizing will get you a D, you have to understand it all and be able to apply it too...well enough talking about studying i probably should do some...have a good week back to your "real world" i hope to hear from you all soon...

oh yeah HOTTY TODDY!!!! We get to keep the egg...sorry kecka post a comment click on "# comment" you can without creating an account...please post a comment...this blog is for you!!!

1 comment:

Choral Advocate said...

hey...hope everything is going well...let me know how the PCAT stuff comes out and you need to read the newest copeland post...its really funny...latuh